John Robin Bold - John Robin Bold
Where do we find a point of such realization of a social that it is
also the point of its collapse? It’s exactly like the stereophonic
effect. We are all obsessed – and not only in music – with high
fidelity; obsessed with the quality of musical (re-)production. Armed
with the tuners, amplifiers and speakers of our stereo systems we adjust
bass and treble, we mix, we combine, we multiply tracks in search of an
impeccable technology and an infallible music. Where is the degree of
technological sophistication, where is the high-fidelity threshold
beyond which music as such would disappear? For the problem of the
disappearance of music is the same as that of the disappearance of
history. It will not disappear for a want of music. It will disappear
for having exceeded that limit point, vanishing point, it will disappear
in the perfection of its materiality, in its own special effect beyond
which there is no longer any aesthetic judgement or aesthetic pleasure:
It is the ecstasy of musicality and its end.
You describe the system, the most catastrophic or apocalyptic system
but you can do that in a form that is not at all apocalyptic, that is
very (maybe) singular. The form can contain and retain the singularity
in the same time as it says something that is not singularity but it
describes the non-singularity but the form must remain singular.
You can order the album by clicking Here